~ Gut Heil ~
Here's a "4-F" Turner (Gymnast's) stein with another way to introduce the motto "Frisch, Fromm, Froh und Frei" (see translation). The Gymnast's movement was introduced to the emerging Germany in about 1815 by Friedrich Jahn, affectionately called Vater Jahn (father Jahn), to aid in bringing unity and a healthy life style. Note that women were clearly included in this movement. This stein was made by Dümler & Breiden ca. 1900.
Gut Heil

Geh' an dein Tagwerk Frisch und Fromm.

Sing beim Biere Fromm und Frei.
Good health

On goes your daily work freshly and faithfully.

Sing with your beer merrily and be free.
Translation: Roy De Selms
Photo credit: unknown