~ Jtalia's Wein so süss und fein ~
The cultural clash of the old Germans with the Romans is the theme on this heavy relief stein (without lid) marked only "169" ca. 1900. Note that in German and Old English, capital "I" and "J" were the same letter (only appearing as one letter in the alphabet) and both looked like "J" and have the same sound "ee", but in recent times "J" is used before a vowel and "I" is used before a consonant. In this instance "J" and "I" are reflecting the old alphabet where both letters were represented as one, "J". Furthermore, when looking up German words, you might have to look under "I", "J" and even "Y" until you find what you are looking for, but they are all short lists.

For example, see this verse under: "Italiens Wein so süß und fein".
Jtalia's Wein so süss und fein,
brach doch der Römer morsch Gebein.
Jm Bier jedoch und Rettigsaft
steckt ewig junge deutsche Kraft.
Italy's wine, so sweet and pure,
broke the Roman's brittle bones.
However in beer and radish juice
lies the eternal young German strength.
Translation: Les Hopper compilation
Photo credit: Unknown