~ Nur immer einen guten Zug ~
This is a glazed and etched Mettlach stein mold number 2075 designed by Otto Hupp and dated 1892. In the Mettlach catalog it is listed as "Sinnbilder der Eisenbahn" (emblems of the railroad), but often errantly called the "Telegrapher" stein. The telegraph is represented on the stein, but was only part of the overall railroad system which was government run as shown by the Imperial Eagle on the front and the thumblift. The verse on the lid is my personal favorite and the cognate word "chug" has all the same multiple meanings in German and English and has a double meaning here. Note that the steam locomotive is being fueled by Hofbräu beer contained in the stein sitting humorously on the tender car.
Nur immer einen guten Zug! Always another good chug  (or train)!
Translation: Roy De Selms
Photo credit: Unknown