~ Schwäbisch Schwätze ~
The Schwabians are the subject of much humorous ridicule and this appears to be a Schwäbisch (Schwabian dialect) verse of what Schwabians think of themselves on a stein without lid, ca. late 1900s.
Schwäbisch Schwätze
schwäbisch Denke
ond so fühle obedrei,
äll des kann dir keiner schenke,
do muasch als Schwaab gebore sei....

Echt Schwäbisch
Schwabian twaddle (dialect)
Schwabian (manner of) thinking
and a feeling of aloofness
All this, nobody can give to you
you have to be born as a Schwabian

Authentic Schwabian
Translation: Roy De Selms
Photo credit: Unknown