INDEX TO PROSIT : 1965 - 1998
This work is the result of the loving efforts of Les Hopper (1927-2003), an SCI Master Steinologist, winner of the Jack Heimann Service Award, past President of SCI, founder of the Bayou Stein Verein, and our very own 'Gator. He compiled the booklet "1001 German Beer Stein Translations," "The Index to Prosit" (including Supplement), "Beer Stein Marks, A Supplement to Prosit," and several editions of the SCI Membership Directory. He was a prolific author, contributing many articles to Prosit, with special favor shown to Diesinger, Girmscheid, and artist Karl (Kilian) Beuler. Les was a most diligent and generous contributor to our hobby.
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Prosit Index Organized by Author : 1965 - 1998 (167 KB)

Prosit Index by Subject : 1965 - 1998
(642 KB)