~ Behüt dich Gott ~
This beautiful glass stein portrays Josef Viktor von Scheffel's 1853 love story "Der Trompeter von Säckingen"  (The trumpeter of Säckingen). The second verse is the last stanza of the poem. The helmeted lids and  hand painting on the stein is in the manner of van Hauten of Bonn, ca. late 1800's.
See also Behüt dich Gott(2).
Behüt dich Gott,
es wär so schön gewesen.

Mög es jedem so gelingen
wie dem Herrn Trompeter Werner
an dem Rheine zu Säckingen!
Ao. D. 1690.
May God watch over you,
it could have been so beautiful.

Might everyone so prosper
like master trumpeter Werner
on the Rhine at Sackingen!
A.D. 1690.
Translation: Roy De Selms/Les Hopper compilation
Photo credit: Unknown