~ Grüss di Gott Sennerin ~
"Grüß di Gott" (literally "God greet you", and more commonly heard as just "Gruß Gott") is a greeting which has long been the most common greeting form in Southern Germany and Austria. It seems obvious what's going on here on this Jugendstil (youth style = modern art) stein designed by Franz Ringer with verse in Bayrisch (Bavarian dialect), ca. early 1900's.
Grüss di Gott Sennerin
Heut bin i auf a G'stieg'n
möcht mir a Busserl hol'n -
g'schenkt oder g'stohl'n.
Greetings Dairy Maid
Today I've been on a climb
may I fetch a little kiss -
given or stolen?
Translation: Roy De Selms
Photo credit: Unknown