~ Jägerlatein ~
This tall, relief, pouring stein has a nice transfer print scene of hunters in a tavern telling tall tales. The scene is from an 1879 oil painting entitled "Jägerlatein" by Eduard von Grützner (1846 - 1925) which is shown below. The stein is made by Merkelbach ca. 1900 and marked "1254". In German it is called a "Bringkrug" (bringing stein) or a "Holkrug" (fetching stein) and was used to bring or fetch beer from a local tavern or brewery to take home and pour the beer into smaller drinking vessels. It might have lasted for a few sittings, but not much more because without refrigeration it would spoil in a short time.
Jägerlatein Hunter's tall stories
Translation: Roy De Selms
Photo credit: Luke D.