Stein Collectors International
Featured Stein:
January 2018
glazed faience was a trade mark of the Nürnberger Factory in
Nürnberg, Germany (1712-1840). Tin glazed is the process by which the
material is covered with an opaque glaze that can have color added for
a desired effect. For example, this Nürnberger Walzenkrug had a blue
coloring added to the tin glaze. Fundamentally tin glaze is lead glaze
which has been made opaque by the adding tin oxide. Tin glaze is
applied to an already fired body. It is then re-fired at a lower
temperature to ensure the pigments and glaze combined. In order to
protect the glaze on the body an additional lead glaze was applied and
then fired a third time.
An example of tin glaze faience is this mid 1700s Nürnberger
Walzenkrug. On the body is a scene of John the Baptist holding a cup in
his left hand and a staff with a cross top in his right. Jesus is seen
standing while John is keeling on a ledge and pours water on Jesus’s
head, thereby baptizing Jesus. Above the two can be seen a dove which
represents the Holy Spirit. The staff in John’s right hand is a
reference to the crucifixion. This scene takes place at Al-Maghtas in
Jefferson Patterson Park & Museum: State Museum of Archaeology