
Our SCI chapter has over 40 members and we welcome newcomers.
The Meister Steiner Chapter was established in the late 1970s in the
Chicago area. We are proud to say that our membership includes an
SCI-acknowledged Master Steinologist, as well as recipients of the
Editor’s Award and the Jack Heimann Service Award. So we are blessed to
have knowledgeable members who willingly share their expertise with us.
Throughout the years we have hosted three national conventions.
We meet four times a year somewhere in Illinois and occasionally
combine meetings with our neighboring chapters in Wisconsin (Milwaukee
area), Missouri (St. Louis area) and Indiana. Meetings are held in the
homes of various members or at local restaurants. The highlight of each
meeting is a featured presentation on an area of stein collecting. SCI
funding enables us, once a year, to invite a guest SCI stein expert to
travel to our meeting and further enhance our stein knowledge. The
other three meetings during the year also have a guest speaker. Many of
our members, although not yet Master Steinologists, share their
expertise on steins in their well and thoughtfully prepared
presentations. There is always a stein sale table for members to sell
or exchange steins. Additionally, members or attendees are encouraged
to bring steins for either show-and-tell or member evaluation.
If you reside in this area and would like more information about
joining our chapter, please contact us. Or, if you are planning to
visit the area, please feel free to attend one of our meetings.
To find out more about us, contact: Jack Strand at nlstrand@sbcglobal.net