Stein Collectors International
Chapter Home Page


The New England Steiners is a chapter of Stein Collectors International serving members throughout the New England area. Meetings are held several times a year, and are comprised of collectors with a wide range of interests. Our meetings take place at various locations throughout the region, ranging from local restaurants to private homes. We welcome stein collectors of all kinds, or those individuals who have an interest in drinking vessels.
Our meetings include stein sales, knowledgeable speakers, great camaraderie, and good food and drink. Whether you are a novice or a seasoned collector, our meetings offer valuable educational opportunities and an excellent way to network with fellow collectors.

Annual dues are $10 for an individual membership.Visit the website of our parent organization, Stein Collectors International,, and join an active online community of stein collectors. You can view our chapter meeting schedule by clicking on “Calendar” in the navigation bar at the top of their home page. Please consider joining us for one of our upcoming meetings.