Stein Collectors International
Featured Stein: December 2015

Seasons Greetings

By John Strassberger

December ushers in a new season, Winter.  It is a very busy time highlighted by religious and secular holidays, numerous professional and collegiate sporting events that almost demand our attention, and weather that some look forward to and others abhor.

This month’s stein provides a bucolic setting as an introduction to the hectic times to come.  The hand-painted scene shows a rising moon shining on what may be the first snow of the season, a pair of roe deer observe their surroundings, a chapel is in the distance, and a Feldkreuz, or field cross, is attached to a tree.  We may wish to remember quiet times like this in the weeks ahead.

The lid has a very detailed engraving surrounding the traditional toast, Dein Wohl, To You! A dedication engraved around the rim of the lid shows the stein was presented to Karl Meggendorfer at a swim-meet at Bad Aibling on 8 August 1909.  Unfortunately, the stein has no markings to indicate the maker, decorator or pewterer.

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